
Oral Surgery

Oral Surgery

Oral Surgery services offered in Aubrey, TX

Oral surgery encompasses a group of procedures that can ease discomfort, prevent oral health complications, and restore damaged teeth. At Miracle Smile Dental in Aubrey, Texas, Nisha Modi, DMD, provides comfortable oral surgery procedures on-site. You can rest assured that your dental needs will be treated with the highest level of care. To learn more, call Miracle Smile Dental or schedule an appointment online today.

Oral Surgery Q&A

What is oral surgery?

Oral surgery is a type of specialized dental care that addresses major oral health problems. 

At Miracle Smile Dental, Dr. Modi offers oral surgery for several types of dental problems and customizes your surgery plan to suit your needs. 

What are the types of oral surgery?

Each oral surgery procedure is different based on your unique needs. Some types of oral surgery Dr. Modi can perform include:


Surgical extractions

Surgical extractions are a bit more complex than simple extractions, which don’t involve incisions and usually happen with local anesthesia alone. 

During a surgical extraction, Dr. Modi makes an incision in the gums for better access to an impacted tooth or a portion of a broken tooth below the gumline. 


Wisdom teeth extractions

Wisdom teeth extractions involve surgical removal of your third molars. 

Many people need wisdom teeth extractions when those molars don't erupt properly or when they’re  trapped underneath your other teeth. Wisdom teeth extractions can prevent problems like tooth misalignment, crowding, and severe discomfort. 

Bone Grafting

Bone grafting is a procedure you might need ahead of getting a dental implant, or on its own. Periodontal disease and tooth loss can lead to jawbone deterioration, which may lead to your need for a bone graft. 

How do I prepare for oral surgery?

The specifics of oral surgery procedures vary with the treatment goals, but at Miracle Smile Dental, every procedure is a comfortable one.

Preparing for oral surgery starts with your consultation at Miracle Smile Dental. During any planning visit for surgery, Dr. Modi takes X-rays of your mouth and jaw. Then, she performs an oral exam to locate any areas of damage or decay that require treatment before you get oral surgery. She may also use the images to plan a surgical technique.

Depending on the type of surgery you need and the type of anesthesia you’ll get, Dr. Modi might give you some additional instructions to follow leading up to your oral surgery. Temporarily stopping the use of certain medications and tobacco is usually necessary to give you the best possible outcome and recovery. 

To learn more about oral surgery, call Miracle Smile Dental or schedule an appointment online today.